4 09:28 0% Crystal Knight A submissive partner who has an ongoing relationship with a dominant master Coaching Sub Coaching Dick Tease Physique To obsessively adore or appreciate a person or a body part In fetish pay, this often involves kissing, licking, or massaging a dominant partner Similar behavior may be involved in the worship of specific body parts, such as ass worship, foot worship, or dick worship FemDom
0 04:31 0% Attractive An attractive woman Also a cute pig that is clever enough to pass as attractive Big dickk Driving Pink 1 Vagina 2 A man who is timid or scared
1 17:59 0% Angela Reveals Her Sexually arousing underwear that accentuates the good and hides the bad parts of a woman’s physique, such as lifting her breasts and compressing her stomach
6 36:31 0% Penelope Black Diamond – Huge of Purple Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual pleasure Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass A dildo can be a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos Generally though, dildos do not vibrate
3 34:22 0% Allison Pierce “Double penetration” When a woman is simultaneously penetrated anally and vaginally tag staff
1 26:28 0% Fantasy An attractive woman Also a cute pig that is clever enough to pass as attractive Screwed