0 04:08 0% Penelope Black Diamond – Enormous Faux Tits Buggery Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual pleasure Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass A dildo can be a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos Generally though, dildos do not vibrate
2 04:28 0% Penelope Black Diamond – Pink Any sex toy that stimulates a clitoris by vibrating A vibrator can be a dildo, but not all dildos vibrate
6 36:31 0% Penelope Black Diamond – Huge of Purple Any phallic object used to penetrate the body in order to achieve sexual pleasure Usually a sex toy made out of rubber, plastic, or glass A dildo can be a vibrator, but not all vibrators are dildos Generally though, dildos do not vibrate
0 07:29 0% Tits four Tat:: A Huge of Pretend Tits and Tattooed The most popular American term for a promiscuous woman Sex Music Compilation