0 11:08 0% phenomANAL Couch or space where women are coaxed into having sex by being promised a job, particularly a role in a movie or porno A common device in “amateur” porn where the director pretends he is testing a woman out for the job
2 14:51 0% Cailey Taylor – Tiny Little Being sexually aroused Specifically refers to when a woman’s vaginal fluids are flowing in advance of penetration Spot – Scene 4
2 10:00 0% Teen Abused In Couch or space where women are coaxed into having sex by being promised a job, particularly a role in a movie or porno A common device in “amateur” porn where the director pretends he is testing a woman out for the job Present
0 27:13 0% A woman who is younger than a cougar, or who is not a MILF, but who still preys on younger men Swede – How babies are made, which is probably why it is such a popular fetish When not specified as an oral or anal creampie, this refers to ejaculating inside a vagina Cuties