Duration: 01:59:30
Actor: Haruka Mirai
Studio: Madonna AV
Release: November 03,2018
In the future, the future wife was supposed to work in the accounting office of the the construction company for when the child was born. Close to home, but he was determined from the versatile thing of the time, the workplace is women only men only future. Young and meaty in the future was to become the subject of desire of middle-aged president Yamamoto Single. And, Yamamoto I’ve been clinging to the future and other employees we Deharau. To maliciously Yamamoto turn licking over slowly and carefully time, the future of the body was going to react unconsciously ….将来、子供が生まれた時の為にと建築会社の経理事務で働く事になった妻のみらい。自宅に近く、時間の融通が利く事から決めたのだが、職場は男性ばかりで女性はみらいだけ。若くて肉づきの良いみらいは独身の中年社長・山本の欲望の対象となってしまうのだった。そして、他の社員たちが出払うと山本はみらいに抱きついてきたのだ。陰湿にじっくりと時間をかけて舐め回す山本に、みらいの身体は無意識に反応していくのだった…。
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