Studio: Kin8tengoku
Release: June 03,2021
Since there are many double-income workers overseas, homes with small children often ask for babysitters. For teen girls who don’t have money, they can play with small children, and when they want to do it, they can do it well, and they also get an hourly wage! It’s a relatively easy part-time job, so it’s very popular! Vanessa-chan came to the metamorphosis couple’s house for an interview! It’s a cute blonde teen! The miniskirt is a proof of a teen! Babysitting immediately while showing off your beautiful legs! All-you-can-eat! Immediately put the children to sleep by saying good things, open the TV channel in their hands and watch TV! Is this okay? My husband has returned to the place I thought! I’m talking to my husband, who I meet for the first time, but the little one is taking a nap and now he’s in the living room with a man and a woman! I thought this was a bad development, but Vanessa-chan! He said he likes middle-aged people better than young men
海外では共働きが多いため、小さい子供を持つお家はベビーシッターを頼むことが多い。お金のないティーン女子にとっては、小さい子と遊んで、さぼりたい時にはうまくさぼれ、おまけに時給も入る!比較的楽ちんなアルバイトだから人気が高いのだ!変態夫婦のお家に面接に来たのはバネッサちゃん!金髪可愛いぷりぷりティーンだ!ミニスカートはティーンの証!綺麗な足を見せつけながら早速ベビーシッティング!と言ってもさぼり放題!早速子供たちを上手いこと言って寝かしつけ、テレビのチャンネルを手に大股開いてテレビ鑑賞~!こりゃ大丈夫か?と思ったところへご主人様が帰って来ちゃった~!はじめて会うご主人様と、早速お話しているのだが、ちびっこはお昼寝中で今はリビングに男と女!これはまずい展開かと思いきや、何とバネッサちゃん!若い男より、中年の方が好きなんて言っちゃって Full videos HD