FHD Siro-AV SIRO-3736 First AV shooting 81 reclusive former Idol girl is here Exposing tender breasts and asses


Duration: 01:06:22

Studio: SiRo AV

Release: June 06,2019


ไทย xxx Today was our coming is the Hikari-chan of the 21-year-old. Usually is the case has a life Dari … and the withdrawal reading a book or watching TV at home. Today the case is speaking with the person out of the house after a long time, your state that are quite nervous. Hikari-chan until last year, is so local as your local idol has been activities to PR. While activity seems was fun, retire I want to do other things, but the period are considering what to do next is now likely. This time, gave us have been submitted to the AV shooting “I wanted to change my withdrawal”. Indeed is there as much as the original idle, it is a courageous action! Number of people 3 people such Hikari-chan has been dating ever. Idle likely era did not anybody dating for busy and was a love forbidden. Likely it was not possible to go out I often met so as to be Iyora to the fan. Experience occupancy 2 people. First experience is so I was nervous about the same as for taking a picture of today. Although sex is it seems more like if anything, you state that the last time had sex is much later and about three years ago. That’s right it may result in horny, such as when the lonely mood All told. Immediately appeared tits and ass Purippuri narrate the youth and try to undress the clothes! ! ! This is without showing it to anyone even three and a half years you only Nante Mottaina of being holed up! ! Please look by all means everyone! ! !本日お越しいただいたのは、21歳のひかりちゃんです。普段は家でテレビを見たり本を読んだり…と引きこもりの生活をしているそうです。今日は久しぶりに家から出て人と喋っているそうで、かなり緊張しているご様子。ひかりちゃんは去年まで、ご当地アイドルとして地元をPRする活動をしていたそうです。活動は楽しかったようですが、他のことをやりたいと思って引退、現在は次に何をしようか考えている期間だそう。今回は”引きこもりの自分を変えたくて”AV撮影に応募してきてくれました。さすがは元アイドルなだけあって、勇気ある行動ですね!そんなひかりちゃんが今までにお付き合いした人数は3人。アイドル時代は恋愛禁止だったのと多忙の為誰ともお付き合いしていなかったそう。ファンに言い寄られることはしばしばあったようですが付き合うことはなかったそう。経験人数は2人。初体験は、今日の撮影と同じくらい緊張したんだそうです。セックスはどちらかといえば好きな方だそうですが、最後にセックスしたのは3年前くらいと随分経っているご様子。そんなこんなで寂しい気分の時などにムラムラしちゃうことがあるそうです。早速服を脱がせてみると若さを物語るぷりっぷりのおっぱいとお尻が登場!!!これを3年半も誰にも見せずに引きこもっているなんて勿体なさすぎます!!是非皆さん見てください!!!
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Actors: SiRo AV