Duration: 02:08:27
Actor: Namiki Touko
Studio: Hitodzumaengokai
Release: October 17,2019
Mr. Namiki, who has been active as a food coordinator and has been married for ten years, looks well in both work and private life. However, the reality is that it is no longer seen as a woman by the husband, and there seems to be no management of the married couple at all. She herself doesn’t pay much attention to fashion and makeup, and she seems to be losing confidence in her attractiveness as a woman. And now she appeared before us to remember her charm and joy as a woman.フードコーディネーターとして活躍し、結婚して10年が経った今、仕事もプライベートも順調に見える並木さん。だが現実は、ご主人から女性として見られることがなくなり、夫婦の営みも全く無いらしい。彼女自身、オシャレやメイクにあまり気を使わなくなり、女性としての魅力に自信を無くしているご様子。そして今宵は、女性としての魅力と悦びを思い出すために、我々の前に姿を現しました。
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