Duration: 00:00:00
Actor: Matsushita Saeko
Studio: Attackers
Release: February 03,2019
Mikako, director of the design department, struggled to invite the global designer Takashi Sugiura ahead of the announcement of his own 20th anniversary celebration of apparel makers. However, Mikako who remembered Sugiura ‘s design which had gone up was allowed to confirm to his subordinates …. Suspicion of plagiarism that caught up immediately after the new work design announcement. Sugiura who is agitated to neglect to confirm …. 自身が勤めるアパレルメーカーの20周年記念新作発表を控え、デザイン部部長の美香子は世界的デザイナー杉浦貴を招へいするべく奮闘していた。しかし、上がってきた杉浦のデザインに既視感を覚えた美香子は部下に確認を任せるが…。新作デザイン発表直後に沸き起こった盗作疑惑。確認を怠ったと激昂する杉浦は…。
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