E-BODY EBOD-660 History’s Highest Career Athlete! ! European Synchronized Convention Medalist Is An Emergency AV Debut Half G Cup Beautiful Girl Shiraki Ellen


Duration: 02:53:48

Actor: Shiraki Eren

Studio: E-Body

Release: October 14,2018


History of E-BODY’s highest career athletes. Synchro career she has been showing off its beautiful appearance, leaving the honours, including 14 years at the famous meeting of European organizations and individuals both win a medal. However, it said that they had been implications of something. Fascinated by the real players, because that is utilizing the beautiful curves soft SEX. 逞shiki flesh cultivated over the years and the G Cup body!! Famous Synchro medallist plain Ellen AV debut.E-BODY史上最高経歴アスリート。シンクロ競技歴14年、本場ヨーロッパの有名大会で団体、個人共にメダルを勝ち取るなど優秀な成績を残しその美しき容姿を披露してきた彼女。しかしその胸中にはずっと「性」へのわだかまりがあったという…。本当の選手だからこそ魅せれる美しき曲線を活かした軟体SEX。長い年月で培われた逞しき肉体とGカップボディ!有名シンクロメダリスト白木エレンAVデビュー。
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Actors: E-BODY