Duration: 00:57:00
Actor: Honami Isshiki
Studio: 1Pondo
Release: March 14,2020
A place where people are not treated as humans, the Meat Urinal Training Center. This time, the target of the flourished (?) Meat urinal is an angel in a white coat with a smile that is too dazzling, Honami Isshiki! Beautiful legs with a smile on a friendly smile. Plump chest that can be seen from the top of the white coat. It’s a good hospital to have such a nurse! A lot of extreme play that never ends with doctors and patients colluding on such Angel Nurse Honami-chan! What a bad hospital! But if you think that such a cute nurse will be messed up from now on … it’s kind of exciting, right
人が人として扱われない場所「肉便器育成所」。 今回、栄えある(?)肉便器のターゲットとなるのは笑顔が眩しすぎる白衣の天使・一色ほなみちゃん! 人懐っこい笑顔にスラリと伸びた美脚。白衣の上からでもわかるふくよかな胸。こんな看護婦がいるなんて、なーんて良い病院だっ!そんなエンジェルナースほなみちゃんを医師と患者が共謀して終わることのない過激プレイの数々・・・かぁーっ!なんて悪い病院だっ(どっちだ)! でも、こんなに可愛いナースが今から滅茶苦茶にされるかと思うと Full videos HD